About Dr.Nataliey

Hi, I’m Dr. Nataliey Bitature

I’m a Leadership and Performance Coach for African women, Speaker, and African entrepreneur. As a working African woman, I have experienced the challenges many women face, and over the last 10 years, I have worked to overcome them. This has led to my work and companies being recognized by Forbes, The World Economic Forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and several UN Agencies.

I founded HER, an online empowerment community for young African women, to help other African women access the support and mentorship that helped me succeed.

Over the last 2 years, I started making business and personal development videos on Facebook and YouTube in hopes to be of use to young women seeking mentorship. I was overwhelmed with the response.

Ladies wanted more information and short, accessible videos to guide their growth.

As a mentor and coach for African women, I also realized that one of the biggest challenges women face is their mindset. Women aren’t supported and encouraged to believe in themselves.

"I created the HER platform and all our courses to teach the tools that can support them and provide a supportive community of like-minded women. It is my way of packaging my experiences and training to help them and ladies like you expand your potential."

Nataliey Bitature is currently the Chief of Staff at The Simba Group, an East African group of companies spanning Hospitality, Energy, Telecom, Real Estate and a Foundation. In this capacity, Nataliey oversees operations, impact, and partnerships across these sectors within Uganda. Nataliey is the founder of Musana Carts, a social enterprise building solar-powered street food vending carts and HER an online mentorship platform with over 2500 young African women.

She has been recognised by Forbes 30 Under 30, The World Bank, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum as a business leader and innovator. Musana Carts has partnered Coca Cola, The Rockefeller Foundation, Mastercard Foundation and Ideo.org on an array of projects promoting inclusive business growth. Nataliey has been a speaker for UNFPA, UNDP, Rotary International and ILO, advocating for youth and women's empowerment.

Passionate about learning, Nataliey has multiple executive education certifications from the Harvard Kennedy School, a Master's in Social Entrepreneurship with a specialization in Project Management from Hult University in San Francisco and received her undergraduate degree and Honorary Doctorate in Business and Innovation from Keele University, UK.

Nataliey recently joined Save the Children’s Africa board and the Women ‘s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry-Global Impact for Businesswomen, Entrepreneurs and professionals as a council member (WICCI). She is a member of the board of directors of Uganda Property Holdings Ltd, The Quiin Abenakyo Foundation, Start-Up Hub Africa and is the Chairperson for the Capital Solutions Social Innovation Fund.

Community Recognition.

The World Bank.

The Young Achievers Awards is a national competition held annually which selects and promotes the best practice and excellence in youth creativity. Nataliey won the Business category(2018).

World Economic Forum.

The Young Achievers Awards is a national competition held annually which selects and promotes the best practice and excellence in youth creativity. Nataliey won the Business category(2018).

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Goalkeeper.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Goalkeepers program brings together a new generation of leaders to address the world’s major challenges. Nataliey was invited to participate with the commitment of furthering achievement of the SDGs by by 2030.

Young Achiever’s Uganda.

The Young Achievers Awards is a national competition held annually which selects and promotes the best practice and excellence in youth creativity. Nataliey won the Business category(2018).

Honorary Doctorate.

Nataliey graduated from Keele in 2013 with a degree in Business Management and Education. She recently attended Keele’s Winter Graduation in January 2020 to receive her Doctor of Science award for her inspiring leadership and work to empower young women.

Forbes 30 Under 30.

Forbes Media publishes annual lists of top exceptional entrepreneurs across the globe. Nataliey was named on the 2018 Africa list of entrepreneurs for her innovation, Musana Carts.

Hult Prize at Clinton Global Initiative.

The Young Achievers Awards is a national competition held annually which selects and promotes the best practice and excellence in youth creativity. Nataliey won the Business category(2018).


Musana Carts

Musana Carts provide urban street vendors with a cleaner, safer and more efficient solution to their cooking, storage, and financing needs. Each cart comes with what every street food vendor needs: an eco-friendly stove, light bulbs and phone chargers powered by a solar panel. We also provide access to finance, business and WASH training, and a business license.

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EnerGrow is an asset financing company based in Kampala, Uganda, catering for the East African market. EnerGrow specialises in productive energy asset financing by leveraging an energy connection to secure loans to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in rural and peri-urban areas.

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Educational Programs.


HER, is an informative and supportive online community platform for working African women. Dr Nataliey hosts the group and provides original content, guest speakers and a variety of resources for career and business women in Africa.

Through this platform young women exchange stories, struggles and success. There is also access to mentorship, coaching and networking opportunities.

Business Revolution

Business Revolution is an online show that empowers, motivates and inspires young emerging entrepreneurs by showcasing established and budding entrepreneurs stories.

The goal is to reduce the percentage of failing businesses in Uganda by encouraging an empowered generation of young entrepreneurs who are financially literate and economically independent.

Project 500k

The mission of Project 500K is to reach 500,000 Ugandan youth and enable them to contribute towards the country’s vision of becoming a middle-income economy through developing a more productive mindset and useful skills.

The programme builds valuable soft skills like self-awareness, goal-setting and planning, financial literacy, business management and other related knowledge as part of a holistic and motivating educational programme.